1990 official photo

Secretary Dick Cheney and OSD General Council swear me in as the Air Force's fourteenth chief of staff.

Retiring Grace and Mike Dugan from active service.

The Joint Chiefs meet with the President in the Oval Office.

In the desert, at the corner of Jones Alley and McPeak Blvd.

Breakfast in the desert.

After action, briefing the Pentagon press corps.

The Desert Storm JCS: CSAF Merrill McPeak, CNO Frank Kelso, CMC Al Gray, CSA Carl Vuono, CJCS Colin Powell, VCJCS David Jeremiah.

Ellie, with Golda and me on the steps to Air House.

With Secretary Don Rice.

The Air Force honors Bob Hope.

In the Rose Garden, President Bush gives Don Rice and me the Commander in Chief's Trophy, part of my string of four in a row.

Air Force headquarters staff, 1991. Seated, from left: Tom Hickey, Mike Loh, me, Charlie May, Brad Hosmer. Standing: Bob Ludwig, Skip Rutherford, Butch Viccellio, Monte Miller, Leo Smith, John Jaquish, Mike Nelson.

At his Moscow headquarters, Piotr Deynekin wraps me in the flag of the Russian Air Force.

With the Deynekins, in St. Petersberg.

Golda prepares to receive dinner guests.

Air Force chiefs have dinner at Air House: Larry Welch, Dave Jones, Lew Allen, me, Mike Dugan, Charlie Gabriel.

Air Force first ladies: Dottie Gabriel, Skip Brown, Grace Dugan, Ellie McPeak, Lois Jones, Barbara Allen, Eunice Welch.

In Calcutta, Ellie and I meet Mother Teresa.

The Air Force String Quartet, at Air House.

Ellie meets First Lady Barbara Bush.

Next-door neighbors Colin and Alma Powell have us to dinner.

1993 official photograph, in the new uniform.

Chuck Horner, Ron Yates and I have a laugh at one of our heraldic dinners.

With Defense Secretary Cheney and the Rev. Billy Graham.

Piotr Deynekin lands at Andrews to return my visit. Maybe we're happy we didn't have to fight each other.

On the Pentagon's E-Ring, I show Deynekin the Gray Eagle Award, given in succession to the Air Force's senior pilot by length of rated service.

Nellis AFB: Deynekin and I debrief after the first mock combat between Cold War chiefs.

From USAF's art collection: "The Chief."

The new president meets with the Joint Chiefs in the "tank": CNO Frank Kelso, CSA Gordy Sullivan, CJCS Colin Powell, the president, Secretary Aspin, VCJCS David Jeremiah, me, CMC Carl Mundy.

Air House: Secretary Sheila Widnall and I at dinner.

Working session in the tank: Joining Powell and me at the table (from left): Chuck Horner, commander of NORAD and Space Command; Bill Kime, Coast Guard Commandant; Secretary Aspin, Undersecretary for Acquisition John Deutch.

Traveling with CMS Gary Pfingston, my senior enlisted adviser. His stripes are bolder, with three chevrons above the rockers, our redesign for the modern uniform.

Air Force headquarters staff, 1993. Seated, from left: John Jaquish, Mike Carns, me, Tom McInerney, Trevor Hammond. Standing: Carl O'Berry, Billy Boles, Rusty Sloan, Gene Fischer, Buster Glosson.

Air Force master photographer Ron Hall took many of the photos used in this memoir. But this one, in the chief's office, is by noted portraitist William S. McIntosh. Hap Arnold's winged star, restored for use as an Air Force symbol, is woven into the rug.

Thunderbirds visit the chief.

I show Thunderbird lead Dan Darnell how to do a loop. He doesn't seem impressed.

Air Force headquarters staff, 1994. From left, seated: Billy Boles, Tom Moorman, me, Jim Fain, Dick Hawley. Standing: John Nowak, Joe Ralston, Erv Rock, Mark Anderson.

At RAF Leuchers, I fly the RAF's Tornado interceptor, thanks to Air Marshal Mike Graydon.

New Chairman John Shalikashvili has dinner at Air House with the military high command of the United States, and their husbands.

With Secretary Widnall at the National Geographic Society, to accept the Thomas White Space Trophy.

At my retirement from active service, the four-star generals of the Air Force. Next to me, Ron Yates, Mike Loh, Ron Fogleman, Chuck Boyd, Butch Viccellio, Skip Rutherford, Tom Moorman, Jim Jamerson, Joe Ashy, John Lorber. The painting quotes Isaiah 6:8: "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then I said I, Here am I. Send me."

Official Pentagon portrait.