My Armed Forces Staff College seminar.
With Joe Alon, in his Chevy Chase, Maryland, home, 1972.
Three Thunderbird pilots at the National War College, Class of 1974: center, Tom Swalm (later, Maj. Gen.); right, Sam Johnson (later, Texas congressman).
National War College 1974 raquetball team, winners of the Admiral Thomas H. Moorer Trophy.
With Anwar Sadat, Spring, 1974.
With King Faisal of Saudi Arabia.
Flying the F-4, MacDill AFB, Florida, 1974.
"Take This Job and Shove It," People's Fest, Zaragoza Air Base, Spain, 1978.
1980, Commander, 20th Fighter Wing, RAF Upper Heyford, United Kingdom.
The 20th Fighter Wing senior wives, 1981.
RAF Upper Heyford, UK, planting trees to hide camouflaged aircraft shelters.
1981, breakfast with Chief of Staff Lew Allen.
Ellie and I after I was "wetted down," following my last F-111 flight.
Charlie Gabriel and Ellie pin on my first star.
Thanksgiving at Potsdam, November 1981. The Russian guy has metal teeth.
With Ellie, Brian, and Mark, Langley Field, Christmas, 1983.
1983, Bill Creech and Ellie pin on a second star.
1985, Charlie Gabriel and Ellie pin on a third star.
Kuala Lumpur, 1986. "You Are My Sunshine," Larry Welch and two future Air Force chiefs sing for their supper on a trip through the Far East. Standing next to me, Mike Ryan, then Welch's executive officer.
Twelfth Air Force commander, Bergstrom Field, 1988, with the "Long Rifle" I won from Chuck Horner.
Flying my all-time favorite airplane, the F-16.
A brand new CINCPACAF, interviewed by Armed Forces TV, Korea, 1988.
Flying the F-15, with the Hawaii Air National Guard.
1989, Chief of Staff Larry Welch makes a point.
1989, with Tom McInerney (commander, Alaskan Air Command), Bob Ross (commander, Tactical Air Command), and Mike Dugan (commander, US Air Forces Europe), the leadership of the Tactical Air Forces.
1990, with my deputy, Mike Kerby, and PACAF's numbered air force commanders: Tom McInerney (Eleventh Air Force), J.B. Davis (Fifth Air Force), Tom Baker (Seventh Air Force), and Don Snyder (thirteenth Air Force).
Leaving Honolulu for Washington, November 1990.